
How to register for the AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM


Go to Showlow Activityreg

Create New Account

follow directions to complete your online profile.

Then Register for the program of your choice.

In Person:

Show Low Family Aquatic Center, 1100 W. Deuce of Clubs

Hours:  Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

To see if you are eligible for scholarship

Go online and apply for the Free and Reduced Lunch Application through Show Low School District:

Child Nutrition

Next, go down to:

Free and Reduced Lunch

Paying for lunch may prove a challenge for many.  We encourage you to apply for free and reduced lunches to ease your mind.  You may apply an time during the year.

Free and Reduced Lunch Application follow directions to complete your online profile.

1.  Once your Free and Reduced Lunch Application is done, fill out:

23/24 After School Program

Application for Partial/Full Scholarship

Application for Partial/Full Scholarship can be found in After School Program Participant Forms.

All Participant Forms must be filled out and child must be registered before participation.

Any questions call Melissa at (928) 532-4142.